Eric Vardy Photography

Eric Vardy Photography
Eric Vardy
Photo taken by Justin Pereira

About Me

Barrie, ON, Canada
- I shoot with a Canon Eos 40d
- I'm a purist photographer when it comes to shooting skate and snowboarding , i feel that in situations like that real life needs to stay real life. But my studio work has editing done to it, not only cause it needs it, but because i love to do it.
- I've had over 5-10 Published photos to date

Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Published Photos :)

So on December 20th of 2008 i got a sweet gig with a new nightclub in town that was opening up called "The Bank" now take my word for it, this place is super nice and super classy , the staff there are breathtaking ! see for yourself !
So after spending 2 hours of planning and 2 hours of shooting the interior of the place i took a well earned dinner break , when i came back people were starting to arrive. So i grabbed my trusty camera and starting shooting the crowd. Slowly but surely i realized that this high class bar was attracting a high class crowd ...

See what im saying this place is the place to be on a fri night if you know what im saying ;) ahha anyways for all you gear heads out there.... the photo of the staff at the top there was shot at 1/125th at f/8 and i used 2 umbrellas basically using a flat lighting setup. And the 2 photos just above were shot at 1/160th at f/8 with my on camera flash :P

Drum roll please ..................................... ta da, here are the photos that got published on the bank's website as of Jan 11th 2009 :) definitely pumped on this

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